Sexual and reproductive healthcare

e-SRH, e-learning for Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, has been developed by the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) in partnership with e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH).

e-SRH supports healthcare professionals in acquiring the relevant knowledge and competences needed for delivering sexual and reproductive healthcare and some areas of enhanced care.

e-SRH may be used for the knowledge component for the new Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (DFSRH and NDFSRH) and the Letters of Competence in Subdermal Implants and Intrauterine Techniques. Information on the Diploma is accessible from the FSRH website:

e-SRH is suitable for doctors and nurses, and will be of interest to other healthcare professionals such as pharmacists.

Course provider: e-Learning for Healthcare
