Spotting the Sick Child

Many health professionals are anxious about spotting sickness in youngsters as they need a different approach from adults. This course is for all frontline health professionals involved in acute assessment of children. For example:

  • Doctors and nurses in emergency departments
  • Paediatric doctors and nurses in training
  • General practitioners
  • Doctors in foundation programmes
  • Emergency care practitioners, paramedics and technicians
  • Medical students
  • Nurse practitioners and GP practice nurses
  • Health visitors and school nurses

It deals with the basics of how to assess children of all ages using clinical footage and evidence based material. There are seven modules that cover:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Fits
  • Dehydration
  • Abdominal pain
  • Head injury

Taking the course will improve your skills and confidence in assessing children.  A certificate will be issued upon completion.

Course provider: Department of Health