Knowledge Management

This e-learning resource is a joint initiative between the Department of Health Informatics Directorate Knowledge Management Team and NHS Library and Knowledge Services, Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

The course is suitable for all NHS staff - including service managers, clinical staff and analysts. The resource enables you to discover how you can benefit from your own and others' past learning and experience.

The online modules are designed to help you and your colleagues to:

  • Develop a strategy for knowledge retention and sharing
  • Plan how an individual, team or organisation can learn from the experience of others
  • Capture, share and preserve resources from individuals or teams
  • Record and share learning and experience gained from projects or work
  • Understand how knowledge management has helped other organisations

The modules available are:

  • Introducing knowledge management
  • Introducing the "knowledge management framework"
  • Taking stock - self-assessment exercise
  • Before-action reviews
  • Peer assists
  • After-action reviews
  • Retrospectives
  • Building knowledge through connecting people
  • Knowledge harvesting
  • Knowledge assets
  • Web 2.0 Tools for KM

The knowledge management modules will give you the tools and techniques you need in order to share and learn from your own and others' experience.

Estimated time to complete:15-30 minutes per module