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The aim of preceptorship is to enhance the competence and confidence of newly registered practitioners as autonomous professionals. Preceptorship will support the policy drive to place ‘quality at the heart of everything we do in healthcare, while maximising NHS productivity through harnessing and spreading innovation. It can also support strategies that impact directly on patient and service-user experience.

Preceptorship has a range of benefits for its newly registered practitioners:


Newly registered practitioner benefits:

  • Opportunity to apply and develop the knowledge, skills and values already learned.
  • Develop specific competences that relate to the preceptee’s role.
  • Access support in embedding the values and expectations of the profession.
  • Personalised programme of development that includes post-registration learning, eg leadership, management and effectively working within a multi-disciplinary team.
  • Opportunity to reflect on practice and receive constructive feedback.
  • Take responsibility for individual learning and development by learning how to ‘manage self’.
  • Continuation of life-long learning.
  • Enables the embracement of the principles of the NHS Constitution.
  • Develops confidence.
  • Professional socialisation into working environment.
  • Increased job satisfaction leading to improved patient/client/service user satisfaction.
  • Feels valued and respected by their employing organisation.
  • Feels invested in and enhances future career aspirations.
  • Feels proud and committed to the organisation’s corporate strategy and objectives.
  • Develops understanding of the commitment to working within the profession and regulatory body requirements.
  • Personal responsibility for maintaining up-to-date knowledge.