HEDSup: Healthcare Educators Development for Simulation


HEDSup is a 2-day simulation faculty training course delivered by Health Education England West Midlands. The objective of the course is to support multidisciplinary members of staff in their wish to deliver simulation based teaching, developing a region wide faculty of simulation teachers who are speaking the same language, debriefing in recognised formats and sharing their expertise and experiences.

Do I need to know how to teach using simulation already?

The course will be of value to novice simulation teachers and experts alike. We aim to equip those new to simulation teaching with the knowledge, skills and confidence to begin practice and for the more experienced teachers we aim to ensure a common level of knowledge and approach to simulation across the region.

There will be pre course modules and face to face teaching on adult learning theory, human factors and non technical skills, scenario design and debriefing techniques.  There is no charge for the course

Course organisers: Dr Nicky Calthorpe & Dr Richard Morse

If you’re interested in attending please email: medicalsimulation@wm.hee.nhs.uk

Talk to us via twitter: @heewm_sim #HEDSup

Pre-course readings:

Papers on debriefing models:             

Pre-course e-learning:

Scenario templates: