Teaching fellow scheme trains doctors and nurses to teach

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The importance of providing good standards of teaching for the next generation of doctors is being recognised at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust.

This film, made in 2012, explains a programme that has been developed following a joint venture between Warwick Medical School and the local hospital.

The training medical students receive in a hospital environment is provided on more of an ad hoc basis by doctors and nurses who have never received any formal training on teaching techniques.

Teaching fellowships mean students can get dedicated teaching time within a hospital environment.

Dr Alec Price-Forbes, a consultant rheumatologist, says: "We're busy providing a medical service so education is something one just does as an when we get an opportunity."

Now though, with this  system, Dr Price-Forbes has been able to take a year out from his work, devote 100% of his time to teaching and gain this formal training as an educator.

Another teaching fellow, Dr Ruth Francis, who is a registered anaesthetist, spends a lot of time with medical undergraduates, in particular, working on patient simulation exercises.