Person centred outcomes

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NHS Five Year Forward View (2014), Next Steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View (2017)) and General Practice Forward View (2016) put the patient at the centre of the delivery of integrated care.

Person-centred outcomes have been developed by Think Local, Act Personal, a national partnership transforming health and care through personalisation and community-based support.

In Our Shared Commitment (2013), the Government endorses the use of ‘person-centred outcomes’ is the right way to define caring services, so that systems and processes fit with what people want, rather than people having to fit the systems.

By starting the move toward integrated care in this way, organisations will be able to have open conversations with patients, service users, carers and the public about people being at the centre of our decision making.

The series of 'I statements’ is a suggested list and may be best used as a prompt for the development of local versions to meet local needs.